
The following gives more information about the authors of our books on astrological psychology.

Bruno and Louise Huber

Bruno Huber 1998

Bruno Huber and his wife Louise worked with astrological psycholo­gy for over forty years—researching, teaching, training, and writing. After periods working with psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli and the esoteric Arcane School in Geneva, Bruno and Louise established the system of astrological psychology that became known as the Huber Method, and founded the internationally recognized Astrological Psychology Institute (API) in Adliswil/Zürich, Switzerland, subsequently supporting the establishment of astrological psychology Schools in UK and Spain.

Louise Huber 1998

Together, Bruno and Louise continued their research, operated a personal counseling practice, taught, and lectured all over the world – activities which Louise continued after Bruno’s death in 1999, with their son Michael until Louise retired in 2009. She died in 2016. Bruno and Louise were keynote speakers at the American Federation of Astrologers Convention, and for many years co-organized the tri-annual International World Congress in Astrology in Lucerne, Switzerland.

Bruno and Louise were co-authors of the books The Astrological Houses, LifeClock, Aspect Pattern Astrology (with their son Michael Huber), The Planets and their Psychological Meaning, TransformationMoon Node Astrology, Astrology and the Seven Rays. Bruno was sole author of Astrological Psychosynthesis, and Louise was sole author of Reflections and Meditations on the Signs of the Zodiac (published by AFA). Their articles also feature in the compendiums Astrolog I and Astrolog II.

Joyce Hopewell

Joyce Hopewell’s early career was as a teacher and social worker. After being awarded her API Diploma by Bruno and Louise Huber in 1987, she took over as principal of API (UK) in 1991, and has been principal emeritus of the Astrological Psychology Association since 2006. Joyce has a Diploma in Personal Psychosynthesis, has featured in a popular astrological psychology phone-in programme on local radio, and produced a regular blog on astrological psychology.

Joyce has extensive experience of working with clients as an astrological counsellor, of tutoring courses and of speaking at international astrology conferences, in addition to facilitating experiential workshops in astrological psychology and psychosynthesis.

Joyce is joint author of The Cosmic Egg Timer and sole author of The Living Birth ChartAspect Patterns in Colour, Using Age Progression.

Richard Llewellyn

Richard Llewellyn began studying astrology with the Mayo School, gaining their Diploma in 1981. On discovering the work of Bruno and Louise Huber at their Astrological Psychology Institute (API) in Zurich, he became inspired by their psychological approach to astrology, soon gaining the API Diploma. Supported by the Hubers, Richard co-founded the UK-based correspondence school API(UK) in 1983, and served as principal and then principal emeritus for many years. He also completed a three year professional training with the Psychosynthesis & Education Trust.

Richard had extensive experience of astrological counselling, course tutoring and facilitation of experiential workshops in astrological psychology and psychosynthesis, and spoke at international astrology conferences.

Richard was joint author of The Cosmic Egg Timer.

Sue Lewis

Sue Lewis combined an administrative career with a longstanding interest in astrology (Diploma of Faculty of Astrological Studies), astrological symbolism, transpersonal psychology and esotericism. A Diploma Graduate of APA in 2003, she has been a course tutor since 2005.

After graduation with an MA in Western Esotericism in 2012, Sue determined to write a book that would situate Astrological Psychology in the esoteric tradition, demonstrate its effectiveness as a tool of interpretation and psychosynthesis, and make a case for the enduring value of its methods in our rapidly changing world. Astrological Psychology, Western Esotericism and the Transpersonal was published in 2015.

John D. Grove

John Grove has spent 40 years in a conventional professional environment of empirical psychotherapy. He has been a licensed psychotherapist in private practice since 1994, providing Jungian psychoanalytic psychotherapy and dream interpretation in his practice.

John’s interest has also extended to the use of astrological psychology, which is generally not accepted by empirical colleagues. Dream interpretations are offered in the context of Huber’s 36 life phases which highlight psychological tasks challenging and supporting healthy development and adaptation. John uses psychosynthesis methods to help discern real ego needs vs. ego based desires in the solving of life tasks for his clients.

Barry Hopewell

Barry Hopewell has been chief editor of the publisher HopeWell since its founding in 2003, and is editor and publisher of the Huber books in English. Was also a trustee of the Astrological Psychology Association 2003-2021 and fulfilled various roles related to its publications.