Astrological Psychology The Huber Method

Astrological Psychology

Astrological Psychology

The Huber Method

Edited by Barry Hopewell

The ultimate book on astrological psychology and the Huber Method, with full colour illustrations.

Astrological psychology was researched and developed by Swiss astrologer/psychologists Bruno and Louise Huber, working with Roberto Assagioli, the founder of the transpersonal psychology known as psychosynthesis. Astrological charts are used to assist in the processes of psychological and spiritual growth, encompassing our heredity, environment, spirituality and links with the cosmos. Thus are we made more whole − both within ourselves, and in our integration with the world and the universe.

Based on the Astrological Psychology Association’s long-running Diploma Course in Astrological Psychology, this book introduces all the main features of astrological psychology, together with a progressive set of exercises which will help you to learn more about yourself and, if you so choose, embark on the path towards helping others.

With a comprehensive index, this also provides a unique reference book to what is known as the ‘Huber Method’.

Bruno Huber described this approach to psychology through astrology as ‘gilt edged’, in that he could diagnose within one or two sessions psychological problems that would only become clear after many hours of psychoanalysis.

Note that this is an A4 working book, rather than the smaller format adopted for our other books.


A4 Colour Paperback, 298 pages, first published 2017.
ISBN: 978-0-9956736-0-1


Review by Trish Crawford

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This new book is designed to provide an alternative method of studying astrological psychology to the Diploma Course in Astrological Psychology, and is very closely based upon it. It is divided into eight chapters, each one covering the same material as the eight Diploma Modules.

For those who are unfamiliar with the Huber teachings, it provides a comprehensive and attractively presented overview. At the beginning of each chapter is a summary presented in a box format, of the intent and content of that chapter. And at the end of each, is an exercise (based on the assignments of the Diploma course), similarly presented in a box, which asks students to relate the knowledge acquired to the charts of others they know, as well as themselves.

Throughout the book are numerous diagrams and charts in colour, to illustrate the material.

The existence of an Index is a tremendous benefit, both to new students, and to those Diploma graduates who have already done the course. Having the information all in one place in a book, at one’s fingertips, under neat Chapter headings and with ready reference to an Index, saves one scrabbling through the old Diploma Manuals trying to remember where that gem of information is that you’re after!

The exercises at the end of Chapter 8 are quite new and refreshing. To those familiar with it, we no longer have the grand ‘Nathan’ finale, but instead an extra exercise on the chart of Sophie (presented as consolidation exercises after every other chapter). There is a further exercise designed to focus on personal analysis and awareness, and what has been learned in this respect from the course, with some very useful pointers to consider.

Overall, this book represents a wonderful tribute and a legacy for future generations, of the Hubers’ teachings, and thanks to Richard Llewellyn for making them available to the English-speaking world in the first place.

And many thanks are due also to the editorial team for all their hard work in bringing this book to its final fruition.

Trish Crawford, 2017, APA blog
