About Astrological Psychology

The Huber Birth Chart

The coloured birth chart was specially designed by Bruno Huber to assist the intuitive process of interpretation.

bruno huber chart
Bruno Huber

The following identifies a few key features of the Huber approach.

What makes you tick?

Studying Astrological Psychology is not an academic exercise; it can set you firmly on the path to becoming the kind of person you want to be. Whether you start as a beginner or are at a more advanced stage of the journey, you should explore your own chart as part of your own learning process. Using astrological psychology you will learn how to go deeply into your birth chart and discover what drives you from within. You will begin to understand your true motivation, and you  will explore where your energy can best be directed. Interpreting the natal chart starts at the centre of the chart, where the surrounding coloured aspects offer information about the different motivating energies you have at your disposal. Using this area of the chart you will understand what truly makes you tick and what drives you from a deep, unconscious level.

Levels and layers

You learn how to interpret a chart starting from its central core, then work your way outwards through different layers and levels towards the environment and the outside world. Each of the five distinct and independent levels in the chart is significant.

The central core at the heart of the chart represents the essential spiritual self. The coloured aspect structure shows unconscious motivation. The planets represent psychological drives and the signs of the zodiac indicate inherited characteristics. On the outside, the houses represent areas of life expression and experience, the environment, the world around us.

Behaviour – aspect patterns – “Did I really do that?”

Astrological psychology is unique in its use of the pattern of the aspects in the chart. More than 40 recognised aspect figures relate to observable patterns of human behaviour. These were researched, tried and tested by Bruno Huber over a number of years and are often described by students working on their own charts as being “spot on”. During your study you learn about the aspect patterns in your own chart, identifying your own behavioural patterns. When these patterns are recognised and understood, you can to choose whether to change or refine them, or to continue expressing them as they are. You are also able to identify and focus on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. Becoming more aware of them you can then choose to give them better attention and expression in your life.

Age Progression and your Life Path

As well as learning how to be more aware of your strengths and weaknesses and how to put this knowledge to use in your everyday life, you learn how to use Age Progression, which relates directly to your life journey. Using the chart, it shows which point you are right now in life as well as where you’re heading. This is often found to be the most interesting and engaging technique used in astrological psychology. Age Progression was researched in depth by Bruno Huber, and has proved to be a sharply accurate tool to use for the timing of psychological life experiences and events.

Nature, Nurture and childhood conditioning

Studying astrological psychology, you explore how the family you grew up in conditioned your behaviour and shaped the way you relate to others. You begin to understand how the influences of your upbringing and environment might impact on your life right now. With this enhanced knowledge and understanding in place you are able to assess and improve on how you approach everyday tasks of life. Most important, you will discover the most successful direction for you to follow on your personal path of self-discovery and improvement.


Roberto Assagioli’s psychosynthesis is a transpersonal or spiritual psychology. Your chart also gives indicators that enable you to highlight at what psychological/spiritual level you may be operating, psychological stress and crisis points, and directions that may help move forward your spiritual development.

Other features

It is impossible in a short summary to show the full scope of the Hubers’ rich set of astrological tools, which include

  • two further charts – nodal and house chart,
  • dynamic calculations highlighting imbalances between intrinsic energies and those welcome by the world outside
  • dynamic quadrants that indicate how the individual may approach the tasks of life
  • more exotic and advanced features include an Integration Chart, Clicks Charts between two people, a Karma Click Chart.

See also

Bruno Huber’s overview of Astrological Psychology in the post What is Astrological Psychology.