This post first appeared in Joyce Hopewell’s blog ‘Circle in a Spiral’.

Doors. Portals. Gateways. It doesn’t matter which name you use as they all symbolise a threshold which, when crossed, will take us into a new and different physical place or state of mind. Psychologically, doors can represent the threshold between past and future, between what has gone before and what is yet to come. Doorways, what they represent and what might be beyond them, can be exciting, forbidding, intriguing, scary, interesting, fascinating and stimulating.

Using the natal chart, the on-going movement of the Age Point around it works like a LifeClock, constantly offering opportunities for us to open doors to new psychological life phases and ways of being; the journey is progressive and at each stage there is something new to learn and experience about ourselves and the world we inhabit.

There are the doors which lead us from one House, or area of life experience, of the chart to the next. These doors are probably rather large and impressive as they mark the end of one psychological life phase and the beginning of the next. Being right on the cusp of a House, these doors can be flung wide open to the world in a big way – we have to go through them and we may as well enjoy the view as we do so. Then there are the doors which we pass through as the Age Point changes Sign. Perhaps these doorways are even painted the colour of the element of that Sign, giving hints about what kind of energy might be around. Jazzy, full-on red, sensitive green, soothing blue or contact-seeking yellow?

Joseph Campbell, the author of many books on mythology said, “When you follow your bliss….doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else”. 

His words could be related directly to the movement of the Age Point through the metaphorical doors I’ve been speaking about. Of course, these doors are uniquely your doors and uniquely my doors – they are experienced differently for every one of us. And if we follow our bliss we must do so willingly, knowing that whatever life phase we are travelling through is transient….and that at its end there will always be another door, leading us to a new beginning.