Post by Barry Hopewell

I recently reread Bruno and Louise Huber’s book Life Clock, which struck me anew as  being quite remarkable, with profound implications.

The Life Clock or Age Progression was extensively researched by Bruno and Louise in collaboration with Roberto Assagioli, the founder of the transpersonal psychology of Psychosynthesis, and founded on the spiritual principles of the teachings of Alice Bailey and the Arcane School.

The basic idea is very simple, the birth chart itself represents the Life Clock, and over a period of 72 years our ‘Age Point’ cycles anticlockwise around the chart in 6-year chunks, corresponding to the 12 astrological houses, starting at the Ascendant. The themes of each of those houses are archetypal, based on millennia of astrological research. A psychological process of transition takes place from house to house, every 6 years, beginning around two years (golden mean/Low Point) before entry into the next house, the transition years being particularly stressful.

Dynamic Energy Curve

The Dynamic Energy Curve illustrates the 12 houses and the dynamic flows of psychic energy as the Age Point cycles around the birth chart.

Intertwined among the houses, the Age Point passes through the 12 signs of the zodiac with similarly archetypal meanings, which colour our psychological experiences. We likely pass through 24 sign/house combinations over 72 years.

Our psychological capabilities, represented by the 10 astrological planets, are particularly highlighted by 30 degree ‘aspects’ of the Age Point as it progresses around the birth chart, and modulated by the effects of the planet’s sign and house position. These capabilities can at any point in life be operating at different levels, that we can roughly characterise across a spectrum from ‘asleep and embedded in our materiality’,  through ‘awakening to higher possibilities of being’, to being ‘awake to our true spiritual potential’.

After 72 years, we are in a sense reborn, to pass round the Life Clock again in a new and (in the best cases) higher turn of the spiral, in the light of our earlier experiences. This represents the opportunity to learn from and build on our earlier life experience, as the Age Point again highlights energies, facets of our being, first experienced in childhood.

The combinations of all these analytical factors enables an intuitive assessment of our lives and psyche at any point in those lives, providing an astonishing tool for personal development or for consultation with clients.

It has to be said, that the Life Clock and Age Progression of the Hubers never really took off with more than a relatively small number of astrologers, psychologists and truth seekers across the world. With the passing of Bruno and Louise Huber, the fresh inspiration of their teaching is subsiding, although their books continue to sell well. It is also true that learning to interpret the Life Clock is not a trivial matter, involving deep analytical understanding of the birth chart, a willingness to look at one’s own life and psyche, and the development of our own intuitive understanding. It is not a task to undertake lightly, but the potential rewards of researching Age Progression for yourself and for others are inestimable!!

Of course, the author of this post is biased, being the editor of the Hubers’ books in English. but it does seem to me that this profound approach to understanding our own psyche and its connections with the cosmos deserves to flourish in the future.

A new version of Life Clock was recently published with improved layout and minor editorial changes.


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