The EU referendum: Do we stay or do we go?

Post by Joyce Hopewell

Back in 1975 I voted for Britain to stay in the EU, or the European Economic Community (EEC) as it was called then. Although there have been rumblings and vague promises from the government about having another referendum in the last few years, it’s only now in 2016 that this is going to happen. And just what might happen? What might the outcome be this time around?

The Astrological Association’s current e-newsletter carries three chart interpretations by three different astrologers seeking an answer to the “Do we stay or do we go?” question. One says it could go either way; the other two think the vote will go to the Brexit camp.

Astrological psychology is a far cry from the techniques of mundane astrology which would probably give an overview of the whole situation using charts of the UK, including the chart of union with Scotland, to get to an answer. With no such techniques under my belt I decided to do a bit astrological sleuthing using the charts and techniques I’m familiar with and proficient at.

The first hurdle was deciding which chart to use. Was it to be set up for the day of the referendum (23rd June 2016), and if so, for what time? Should it be the time the polls open for voting on 23rd, or the time they close at the end of the day? And what about the counting. When does that start? And when does it finish? Presumably when there’s a result – but of course, we don’t know when that will be! Where to set the location for the chart was relatively easy to decide upon. It had to be London, but in the end I didn’t set that chart up at all.

Armed with a few ideas I started my astro-sleuthing by deciding to look at the chart of the 1975 referendum, which is when the alliance with the EEC/EU was “born”. I tracked down a few more details and discovered that the count for that vote didn’t begin until 09.00 the following day. I treated this date as the “birth” of the UK’s membership which the population had voted for or against, so this is the chart I’m using here. Of course, like any birth, the process was underway for some time before the actual moment of birth – the moment when the votes were all in and the result was clear. The nearest I was able to get to a time was 14.00 on 6th June, when a two hour live results programme was aired on the BBC. At 14.00 when the programme started, the results were already pretty clear.

In response to the question Do you think that the United Kingdom should remain part of the European Community (the Common Market)? 67% of the votes counted had responded Yes, and 33% saying No. As I read the question people voted Yes or No for, I remembered that wording from 1975!

Now to the chart and the astrology. The chart is set for 6th June 1975 at 14.00, London. I’m not going to cover the basics of the chart as that’s something readers can do for themselves, and if you do this and get some insights and good ideas, please share them in the comments box! No, I went straight for the Age Point, as I thought this might resonate interestingly with our upcoming referendum.

referendum chartsThe 1975 referendum took place 41 years ago, and the Age Point in the chart is in Aries in the 7th house. The cusp of Aries and Taurus is not far away, indicating a forthcoming change of energy from fiery activity to more earthy consolidation. The frenetic fire will be inclined to give way to more stability; things could slow down a bit. The Age Point is not making aspects to any other planets, but is hovering in the weaker end of Aries, in the mutable zone of the 7th house, approaching the 8th cusp. The fire might be dwindling a bit but the environment is demanding attention and an output of energy which might feel a bit like hard work. Flogging a dead horse comes to mind, but I don’t know why at this point.

I then looked at the Age Point in the node chart and found it is positioned close by the Age Point in the natal chart. Aha! The intersection of the Age Point in both charts is ongoing. This is the crossing point, it’s in process and will become exact in September 2017. For the purposes of my astro-sleuthing, this seemed highly relevant and interesting. The effect of the crossing point is rather like a siren, first heard in the distance then growing louder and louder as it approaches only to diminish and die away as it moves on. The Age Points in both charts would definitely be at the noisy clamour stage, demanding attention. This immediately seemed significant, especially as the nodal Age Point will be conjunct the Moon in the node chart four weeks before the referendum on 23rd June.

Next thing to consider was the axis on which this intersection of the Age Points would take place. It’s really too close to call on this one as both the 1/7 Encounter axis and the 2/8 Possessions axis are involved; the crossing point will involve both, like having a foot in both camps. At this stage it all started to feel a bit like the Brexit/Remain campaigns. Remain I’d see as being more 1/7 Encounter oriented, and concerned about our relationship with other EU countries and the rest of the world. Brexit falls into 2/8 Possessions mode, hanging on to what we have, our sovereignty and the rest of the world can lump it if they don’t like it!

It’s worth considering the significance of the nodal Age Point’s conjunction to the Moon. What is in the Moon Node chart is something which lies dormant until activated by Age Point and by the crossing point. Then it comes to the surface, demands attention, appears around every twist and turn in life and forces us to look at whatever it represents within ourselves. The 8th house Taurean Moon in the 1975 referendum chart which is currently being stirred and awakened by both the crossing point and the nodal Age Point is going to want to hang on to what is precious and important. For many people this could well be echoes of the UK of the past, of independence and of not being a part of Europe. There’s a whole lot of feeling being stirred up about how we could make it on our own, out of the EU, and emotionally there’s possibly a need to stand up, be counted and show this. For me it’s reminiscent of taking a stand against Hitler in WW2 and the British Bulldog spirit.

If I was into making predictions, based on what I’ve been exploring in this chart, I’d say that the majority vote could easily be to leave the EU. But once we’re out, that’s it. No going back. And one of the reasons for unifying Europe was to prevent the circumstances which led to WW2. Will the vote veer towards the energy of the 1/7 Relationship axis, or to the 2/8 Possessions? We’ll know on 24th June.

These views are my own. Your comments and input on the chart and the referendum are welcome.

Featured image by Maycoll F. Vieira, via Wikimedia Commons


13 responses to “The EU referendum: Do we stay or do we go?”

  1. Sue Lewis avatar
    Sue Lewis

    Thanks for giving the in/out debate a Huber perspective. There’s a lot of anger against the way things are, but do we blame Europe or the British Government for red tape? Too many references to Hitler are being bandied around. One headline likens his dictatorship to Boris and Brexit strategy… With Jupiter opposing Neptune and Saturn squaring both in mutable signs, who knows who to believe. Our political affiliations are changing dramatically, whatever the outcome, which I would not want to predict.


    1. The circumstances prior to WW2 were nothing like those prior to the establishment of the EU. Plus it is largely Germany which calls the shots and benefits. And if we vote out – then we do’t need to worry about that being final because the whole rotten organisation needs an overhaul. Something better may come out o the ashes.
      These charts can be picked apart from every system and perspective but one large picture gets overlooked – that we are in the age of Aquarius and the polarity of Leo is the undercurrent. While Aquarius seeks to unify everyone in one big organisation, I don’t say happy family for a reason – this is not an Aquarian ideal, Leo seeks to maintain individuality. This will be a continuing theme throughout the age. So far the EU has done nothing but organise its members into one homogenised work force within an economy which is far from thriving. Economic theory comes and goes but it is psychology – the zeitgeist – which drives the market. Keep an eye on the Aquarian ideal and the Leo push to be more than just a number.


      1. Ursula avatar

        Thank you this was a lovely comment and I am glad you mentioned the polarity of individuality with unity. What is aquarius a union of but individual nations, when these nations lose their individuality, the EU is a dictatorship. This is one point I tried to make on my comment but you made this point well.


  2. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share. I wanted to bring up this Age Point conjunct the Moon Node Age Point on the 8th house cusp in the EU chart from London in the context of this long standing square between Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries. Even though the mundane square of these two planets are not transiting in exact alignment now, they are within enough of an orb to justify a ripening of conflict between these drives as they relate to social revolution and upheaval globally. Could this energy be effecting the background of all that is happening with these national crises that are waxing? The economic upheavals we witness could be bringing about social-political reform all over the world triggered by global , collective problems: from massive migrations which put pressure on geopolitical boundaries and resources along with terrorism, cyber-infiltration, and global warming. (Tarnas, p. 191, Cosmos and Psyche) The Saturn – Neptune square colors the reactionary aspects of these reforms with it’s effects of conservative mudslinging, pervasive darkness of collective consciousness, and social malaise (Tarnas, p. 470, Cosmos and Psyche). Witness the popular reactionary Donald Trump phenonmenon with his isolationist and nativistic policies and I would venture to say the comparable referendum to have England quit the EU. With global concerns facing all geopolitical entities, we cannot just ignore these pressures that are beyond the control of any one government but call for cooperation and consolidation of efforts to address these crises as a collective. I am not trying to promote a political view but am aware of the urgency of confronting this backward-looking illusion to idealize the past with the forces in question. Could we be hoping to use the creative drives of Pluto, Uranus and idealism of Neptune to bring about a better world and solidify our ethical positions (Saturn in SAG) as a global-intelligent united world?


  3. Sue Lewis avatar
    Sue Lewis

    Thanks for giving such a thoughtful analysis of the situation. I share your concerns about isolationist politics. The best thing that has happened recently in London is the election of Sadiq Khan, a Muslim who has set about unifying Londoners–Christians, Jews, and Muslims–and as a person I hope very much we will vote to stay in Europe. As an astrologer, all I can see is a fuzzy Neptunian haze concealing many diverse opinions. Scotland wants to stay in, Wales wants to exit. What does England want to do? I cannot trust my interpretation skills in an area where I hold strong opinions.


    1. Ursula avatar

      I do not see it as a ‘good’ thing or a bad thing. You seem to have the idea that he is unifying Londoners but is he actually doing that or does everyone just have an idea that he represents unity?


    2. I do not see this as a good thing at all. He may to some, to others he does not unify… [Non astrological political opinions removed – Ed.]
      Neptune’s rosy haze covers Pluto’s determination for destruction and rebirth and Uranus’s desire for revolution.


  4. John Grove avatar
    John Grove

    Thank you for your comment.


  5. Thank you both for tackling other areas and possibilities I frankly ran out of steam to delve into further. It was quite a challenge getting a handle on the possible implications using AP, the MN chart, and the crossing point.

    One thing I did ponder on reflects the comments you both made about Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. I did, in an abstract way, consider the principles of the North (Jupiterain quality) and South (Saturnian quality) nodal axis – not relating it to this chart specifically but in a more general way in the light of what’s emerging on a daily basis from both sides.

    Strangely enough, the Remain camp one would expect to be more Saturnian in the sense of “better the devil you know”, and the Leave camp one would expect to be more Jupiterian in the sense of forging ahead and against all odds making a go if it. Yet – to me – it appears the other way round. The Remain camp are sounding as if they are basing their reasons on experience gained and realistic visions for the future (Jupiter) and the Leave camp are digging deep into past history and flouting fears (Saturn).

    As for Neptune in Sagittarius in 3rd in the chart I used – well, there’s aways going to be a fair amount of fuzzy stuff about with that opposition to Sun cjn Mercury in 9th!

    I’m currently thinking I’ll see if Boris’s data is available as I’m intrigued by his recent tidy hair and smart suit since he’s taken the lead on the Leave campaign trail. His current image is remarkably like someone from way back… who could it be….? Ah yes, Churchill. That ties in with the comments I made about WW2 at the end of my post.

    And yes, Sue, it’s very healthy to have Sadiq as the new mayor – although a certain D. Trump will have problems with this!


  6. Ursula Riches avatar
    Ursula Riches

    There are those who seem to think that being part of the EU would give us all more of a voice but that is the opposite of the truth. Being part of Europe has stifled our voices and stifled the ingenuity of leadership as the EU better resembles a dictatorship with its members as conquered nations with hardly any voice at all.
    It is the strong nations with a sense of dignity and conviction in their reasoning and morality who can sway opinion, bring solutions and promote harmonious co-operation with other nations of the world.
    [This long comment has been edited down, as it is really political comment on Brexit and has nothing to do with astrological psychology, which is the prime purpose of this blog – Ed.]


  7. Hi Joyce – thanks for this – interesting. You may be interested in my take on AP and cycles in UK chart.


  8. Neil Duran. avatar
    Neil Duran.

    The chart is very hard to call the correct outcome. Cancer rising, I think of the home, family, emotions etc. Moon in aquarius in the 7th? Being part of a partnership with group involvement. Aquarius does bully. For someone who is voting out that doesn’t sound good to me. The grand cross of Mercury, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter? There will be major challenges ahead whatever the outcome and a problem that will be here for a while. Mercury square Neptune and Mercury ruling the 3rd house. Lies, deceit and confusion. Could it be 50 – 50? Mercury opposite to Saturn isn’t that the brake being applied to stop progress? Uranus and Pluto what are they upto? There will be an applying Moon sextile Uranus the next day that might offer some hope! Uranus does square the ascendent which does indicate change will happen.Venus ruler of the 4th house and the people in the 12th house. What are we not being told? I get the impression from the chart that it is not an independent vote and the people will not be allowed to have there say. Pluto in Capricorn in the 6th? That to me seems business as usual for the government and lack of courage to make changes.


    1. Ursula Riches avatar
      Ursula Riches

      Thank you Neil, that was a brilliant and very astrological comment. It sounds from what you are saying that the vote will be close, that there will be plenty of lies flying about and that the vote will not achieve anything because the politicians will not accept it, as previously occurred in Ireland. This then, will mean that the British people are going to be cheesed off because we have a sense of fair play.
      Could it also mean that the results are tampered with? We know if this occurs that it will be for us to remain.
      Please everyone, how many signs are there which could mean the results may be fraudulent.
