Pluto in Aquarius 2024 – 2043

This recent post from Joyce Hopewell’s blog invites you to consider the implications opportunities of Pluto’s recent move into Aquarius.

Pluto has entered Aquarius, and it’s almost as if it quietly slipped in under the radar of global bad news about Ukraine, Gaza and Israel, along with the growing clamour of interest and concern about our climate emergency. All that rain…all those landslides, floods and heatwaves…all those devastating tornadoes….all those crops going rotten in the wet ground….

In view of the current volatile state of the world and the line up of dominant hard-right world leaders, plus the growing proliferation of AI, it’s not entirely comforting to speculate on what might be around in the years ahead. Pluto moved from Capricorn into Aquarius in January 2024, and will hang around near the doorstep then drop back into Capricorn for a final last look around in September/October before taking residence more decisively in Aquarius, where it will stay until 2043. Then it begins to dither on the doorstep of Pisces.

But that’s a long while off. And as 2024 to 2043 is one helluva long time, a lot could happen given where things are at now. For me, Pluto in Aquarius and the rapid development of AI seem to go hand in hand, not necessarily in a good way. It depends who is using the AI, and how.

I’m not going to attempt to interpret what could happen – but I’ll throw out a few suggestions of what the Pluto in Aquarius years might hold, based on key words and characteristics of Pluto’s energies and Aquarius’ traits. You can think about them, speculate and combine them for yourself. And please share them in feedback too.


All the manifestations and energies of the planets can be viewed, experienced and expressed at different levels – asleep, waking and awake. 

Pluto asleep (unaware, at it’s most basic) can be manipulative, power-driven, using personal will to dominate and control others (does that ring bells with certain world leaders…?). Waking and awake, there will be greater acknowledgement of power and it’s uses and application – for the greater good to benefit humanity rather than for personal aggrandisement. Pluto energy is also about transforming, bringing about change by clearing out the dross and leaving behind what is no longer relevant or useful. This could be a tough call. What might fall by the wayside? Over to you reader, for thoughts and suggestions on this.


Qualities and traits for this sign are independence, freedom, “don’t pin me down”, new ideas/inventions which will ultimately make things easier for all, scientific advances (AI and all it’s manifestations fall into the Aquarius arena), quirky thinking outside the box, a tendency towards fixity (fixed ideas – how might that work with Pluto asleep?), co-operation with like-minded people. How might some of these traits combine with Pluto at the different levels. Once again, over to you. Can you come up with some positive takes? The more negative ones could be scary…..

Yet on the plus side, it’s really down to us as individuals to shape the way we want the world we live in to be, and we can only individually do this in small ways. And it’s vitally important that we do it. That we use our power of one (Pluto on the personal level) to speak up/about/ for and against, vote for what we believe is right, not what is “expected” of us by anyone else, and that we participate in some way to express our feelings. 

This might be to write a letter to powers that be, be brave enough to take a stand, go on a demo or march, support a positive cause or movement – there are endless options that require a bit of energy which will combat any feelings of helplessness that might be around. 

These are just suggestions and a few rambling thoughts that have come up for me whilst considering Pluto in Aquarius. If you have thoughts on this too, feel free to share them.


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